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Please check you junk mail and or spam mail.
If you do not find the confirmation email there let me know.
Once you do find the email and click on the link provided you will be taken to the site and there you should login with your username (email) and password and don't forget to click keep me logged in so you don't have to keep logging in all the time. If you don't find the confirmation email let me know and I will trouble shoot it for you.
Ba sipas,
Golha Project.
Why doesn't the sound play on my I-Pad or I-Phone?
The flash application used by the player on the Golha Project website does not function of Ipads and I-phones. We are aware of this problem and subject to funding we hope create an app. that will to resolve this in the near future.
The site works fine on MAC and PC computers and on android tablets and phones.
How can I find songs sung by my favorite singers?
In individual search you can search by singer of the avaz or teraneh but you can only search by one search criteria at a time in individual search. After you choose the name of the singer you are looking for and click the search the Icon the list of programs that that singer has sung in will be displayed. When you open any of the programs and click on the name of the singer in the list of names on the side that part of the program where the singer sings will change colour making it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
In Advanced search you can search by several search criteria at the same time. You can select the singers name and then go to the name of the song and chose a song from that list. If you want to search for the song by the first line of the song or avaz you can do that too by typing one of the words from the first line then choosing weather the first line begins with this word or the word is contained in the first line. then you click the select button a drop down menu of a list of first lines with that word in it will appear and you can select the one you are looking for.
I hope this helps.
I received the email confirming my registration but I still can.t log in. why?
If you did get your email with the link and activated you account you probably have inadvertently clicked the forgot password button and another email will have been sent to your email address with a randomly chosen password which you can use to login then you can change the password by going to the my collection ????? ??? ?? under the program menu and clicking change password.
Why are words spelled the way they are on the English side?
We are using the Transliteration system used by the Library of Congress for transliterating Persian words into English. If you like you can see the transliterations system by going to the About Golha and clicking on Transliteration system.
How can I find the notes to the terana's/songs?
Not all the notes have been up loaded yet. Some of them are still being written and copy edited. Those terana who's notes have been up loaded it will say "View notes" or ?? ?????? on the side under the list of names if you click there the notes will be displayed... As more notes become ready we will up load them.
Why don't you add the broadcast dates of the Golha programs?
We do not have any accurate information about the exact dates of the broadcasts. A few of the programs mention something about a contemporary event and so can be dated but most don't. The only information we have is they started in 1956 and went till 1979 this information is in the "About Golha" menu on the site which gives a brief overview of the history of the programs. The only reliable dates we have are:
i. 157 ‘Perennial Flowers (Gulha-yi javidan) 1956
581 Multicoloured Flowers (Gulha -yi rang-u-rang)
407 Last one produced by Mr. Pirnia who left in 1967
iii. 312 ‘A Green Leaf [of Song and Verse]’ (Barg-i sabz)
215 Last one produced by Mr. Pirnia who left in 1967
iv. 465 ‘A Bouquet of Roses [of Song and Verse]’ (Yik shakh-i gul)
334 Last one produced by Mr. Pirnia who left in 1967
v. 63 ‘Desert Flowers [of Song and Verse]’ (Gulha-yi sahra’i)
Began around 1962-3
vi. 201 ‘Fresh Flowers [of Song and Verse]’ (Gulha-yi taza).
Produced by Hushang Ebtehaj starts 1972
How can I download the or purchase the Golha programs on CD or DVD?
The Golha Project website does not offer a download service but if you type the name of the programe you want to down load into your internet browser's search engine you will find several sites and blogs where you can down load the programs for free.
Below are the contact emails of people who provide copies of the Golha Programs archive for a very reasonable fee, basically the cost of the materials plus postage.
This is a website where you can also purchase the Golha programs on CD and DVD.